Each Wednesday night from 6:00 to 7:35 PM kids from 6th grade down to Kindergarten come together at First Baptist Church in Avoca, NY. They pledge the flag, play games, learn verses, earn points, cheer like crazy, understand better how God leads in this world, sing songs that praise Him, and go home with prizes.
The club is free to all who come! We do ask that families help cover the costs that they can for books, awards, etc. Some of that is done by weekly dues and some by purchasing the material.
Click here to register for AWANA!
More information is always available by emailing pastorbrandon@firstbaptistavoca.org or by calling 607-566-2077.
If we have to cancel Awana for the night due to weather or other circumstances, we will do our best to put it on our church facebook page and on the church homepage.
Click here to register for AWANA!
2024-2025 Teaching schedule so that you can prepare sections ahead and keep on track… coming soon! 🙂