
The Bylaws of the
First Baptist Church of Avoca, NY

Whereas God’s Holy Bible is the only perfect constitution for doctrine, worship, discipline, and government of the church, we accept it as our sole rule of faith and practice. These bylaws exist merely as the written understanding of how the principles of the Holy Scriptures shall be applied to the administration of the local congregation. If these bylaws are found in any point to be inconsistent with, or contrary to, the Scriptures, they are, in that point, null and void. They must be amended to restore alignment to the truth as set forth in God’s Word.

Article I Membership

  • A. Qualifications. Each candidate for membership in the First Baptist Church of Avoca shall:
    • 1. have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord and give testimony concerning personal salvation.
    • 2. have been baptized by immersion.
    • 3. agree with the church’s covenant and polity as stated in the First Baptist Church Constitution.
  • B. Procedure. Each applicant shall:
    • 1. fill out a membership application form to be filed with the church clerk upon completion of the process.
    • 2. meet with a member of the pastoral staff and at least two deacons to verify his/her qualifications for membership.
    • 3. attend a membership class pertaining to expectations of membership and the discovery of individual spiritual gifts. See I Corinthians 12:4-11, 27-31.
    • 4. be recommended by the deacons for membership to the voting members in accordance with B-2.
    • 5. become a member upon acceptance by a simple majority vote of the voting members present.
  • C. Duties of Members. Each member shall:
    • 1. faithfully endeavor to abide by our church covenant and encourage others to do the same.
    • 2. honor and esteem the leaders of the church and uphold them regularly in prayer.
    • 3. contribute regularly to the financial needs of the church.
    • 4. extend hospitality to members & visitors.
    • 5. be a witness and testimony for Christ to the unsaved.
    • 6. keep the church clerk informed of changes of address.
    • 7. become active in specific service within church ministries that correlate with the individual’s spiritual gifts.
    • 8. notify the church clerk of his/her desire to withdraw his/her membership.
  • D. Review of Membership
    • 1. The pastoral staff and deacons shall review the membership roll quarterly as a means of identifying those members who have been absent.
    • 2. The pastoral staff and deacons shall seek to make contact over the following quarter to encourage reconciliation, renewed attendance, and participation in the ministry of the church.
    • 3. Once it has been determined by the pastoral staff and deacons that a member has not upheld their membership duties for a period of two quarters (six months) their name may be removed from the membership roles.
    • 4. Once it has been determined by the pastoral staff and deacons that a member is unable to uphold their membership duties due to extenuating circumstances (e.g. illness, school, military service, advancing age, and seasonal travel) he/she may be retained on the membership role.
    • 5. The Church Clerk shall give written notification to the member in question of any change in membership status as directed by the pastoral staff and deacon board.
  • E. Church Discipline
    • 1. The principle
      • a. The scriptures place a responsibility upon the church to guard the purity of the church, even to excluding any member who persists in serious misconduct. See I Corinthians 5:9-13, II Thessalonians 3:6, 13-15, and Titus 3:10-11.
      • b. The leadership of the church must be particularly vigilant, and is instructed to exercise discipline with both care and compassion, having the singular purpose of securing the restoration of the erring member. See Galatians 5:19-6:2 and James 5:19-20
      • c. Individual differences relating to Christian liberty are addressed in Romans 14 and in I Corinthians 6. The overriding principle that love covers a multitude of offenses should prevail, with grace being extended to both parties and from both parties.
    • 2. The process
      • a. In cases involving conflicts between individual members, understand that
        • (1) the parties affected shall be advised to follow the principles outlined in Matthew 18:15-17, and the parable of the lost sheep in Matthew 18:12-14, the goal of which is restoration.
        • (2) believers who know the Word of God and are obedient to the Holy Spirit, although untrained in legal matters, are competent to settle disagreements between believers. See I Corinthians 6:1-8.
        • (3) the goal of this process is restoration.
      • b. Conduct that results in public shame to the name of Christ and hinders the spiritual life of the church should be handled according to Matthew 18:15-17 in which there are four basic steps, expanded upon below.
        • (1) Tell the offending member his/her fault privately. If the member remains impenitent, follow step 2.
        • (2) “Take with you one or two more” witnesses to the original offense to fulfill the principle of Deuteronomy 19:15. At this point, one or more of the pastors and/or deacons could be involved. If the member remains impenitent, follow step 3.
        • (3) The deacon board should be informed and tasked with evaluating the issue(s) and setting a time for a congregational meeting.
        • (4) The matter is to be reported at a special meeting of the church for voting members only so that all may lovingly pursue the erring member’s reconciliation. See Matthew 18:17. Until that time, only those involved in the preceding steps should be aware of the issue.
        • (5) The pastor(s) and deacon board should set an expedient follow-up date to review the issue while keeping each other informed of any progress made in restoration. If impenitence remains at this reconvening of the pastor(s) and deacon board, this leadership has no choice but to remove the member in question from the rolls of the church following the example set by Paul. See I Corinthians 5:5 and I Timothy 1:20.
          • (a) The offending member must be excommunicated and regarded by the church as “a heathen and a sinner.” The idea is not to punish or to shun the member completely, but to remove the member as a detrimental influence to the fellowship of the church, and, from that time on, be regarded as an evangelistic prospect rather than a brother/sister. Ultimately, the sin for which the erring member is excommunicated is hard-hearted impenitence.
          • (b) The pastor or church leadership informs the voting membership concerning the final status of the person in question.
    • 3. Administrative guidelines
      • a. All disciplinary procedures are confidential.
        • (1) Information is to be limited to the parties involved and the direct witnesses to the original offense and/or pastor(s) and deacon(s).
        • (2) The rules of executive session apply to all disciplinary procedures that are discussed within the deacon board (steps (2) through (5) (b) under “The process”).
        • (3) Informing the assembly must be limited to the voting membership of the church in a special business meeting held solely for this purpose (steps (3) through (5) (b) under “The process”).
      • b. The member in question may not be recommended to another church while remaining impenitent.
      • c. Any person wishing to be restored to membership after having withdrawn or lost his/her membership as a result of church disciplinary action must:
        • (1) have made confession of his/her guilt and shown the fruit of repentance.
          • (a) The pastor(s) and deacon board will meet to determine before whom confession must be voiced.
          • (b) Confession before the pastor(s) and deacon(s) may be required in situations where the original offense did not impact the church body as a whole.
          • (c) Confession before the voting membership at a special business meeting called solely for the purpose of restoration may be required in instances where the original offense was severe and negatively impacted the church body as a whole.
        • (2) complete the requirements of applying for church membership, as would any new member.

Article II Church Leadership: General Biblical Principles

The church is made up of individual members saved by God through the regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit poured out upon them through Jesus Christ (Titus 3:4-7).

These members are united into one body, the church, by the Spirit who indwells all believers (1 Cor. 12:13; Rom. 8:9). Members contribute to the care and growth of the church, using their spiritual gifts given by the Spirit in building up the body in truth and love, that God may be glorified (1 Cor. 12; Eph. 4:15-16; 1 Pet. 4:10-11). Authority is invested to the local church for governing itself under the headship of Christ according to the Word of God and the ministry of the Spirit (Matt. 18:18-20; Col. 1:18; 3:16; Gal. 5:16).

Within the church, members who are gifted and placed by the Spirit serve the church as leaders (Eph. 4:11; 1 Cor. 12:28). The local church, recognizing and affirming this gifting and calling, invests its leaders with the authority and responsibility to equip members to build up the body (Acts 4; Eph. 4:12). The congregation willingly submits to its leaders (Heb. 13:17). Leaders exercise their authority as servants under the headship of Christ according to the Word of God and the ministry of the Spirit and with the participation of the congregation (Matt. 20:25-28; 1 Pet. 5:1-3; 2 Cor. 8:19).

The head of the church is Christ (Eph. 4:15-16). The biblically prescribed offices of the church are elders (pastors) and deacons (1 Tim. 3). Biblical principles allow for other offices of stewardship that help the church fulfill its mission (Matt. 25:14-30; 1 Cor. 4:1-2).

Article III Pastors

  • A. Definition. Pastors are spiritually mature men, who are officers and servant leaders called by God and affirmed by the church, whose lives and service exhibit genuine godliness, faithfulness, spiritual gifts vital for leadership, and competent use of those gifts (1 Tim. 4:7-8; Rom. 12:3-8; Titus 1:6-9) to help lead the church especially by preaching and teaching the Word and spiritually shepherding the congregation through equipping them for service with the goal of building up the church in spiritual maturity and unity in Christ (1 Tim. 5:17; Eph. 4:11-12).
  • B. Qualifications. The high standard to which all Christians, including pastors, are accountable and the example they are to follow is Jesus Christ. In order to lead the church effectively as servants of Christ, pastors must meet the qualifications given in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-4. The qualities a candidate for pastor shall possess include:
    • 1. Calling. He desires to serve as a pastor of First Baptist Church of Avoca motivated by love for the Lord Jesus Christ.
    • 2. Character. His integrity as a mature follower of Christ is lived out in his priorities, conduct, attitude, relationships, and obedience to Scripture.
    • 3. Competence. His spiritual gifts, ability to communicate God’s Word, and leadership skills are well established by other believers and well suited to the ministry for which he is being considered.
    • 4. Consistency. He has demonstrated faithfulness to God’s Word and to the church he attends as an actively serving member. He has shown himself to be trustworthy and hardworking in the ministry entrusted to him, representing Christ well in the church, in his home, and in the community.
  • C. Procurement
    • 1. The pastors, deacons, and/or the church shall prayerfully identify either: a) a need in the church to replace and/or add a pastor, or b) a man who is qualified, who desires to serve as pastor, and whose leadership may benefit the church (1 Tim. 3:1; 1 Pet. 4:10).
    • 2. The Leadership Council shall establish a search committee to prayerfully discern God’s direction regarding new leadership (1 Tim. 5:22). The committee shall include currently serving pastors, deacons, and selected church members who are mature believers, faithful servants of Christ, spiritually discerning, and able and willing to serve. The committee shall be led by the senior pastor or an associate pastor or, in the absence of pastors, by a deacon but otherwise organize itself however it determines best to accomplish its purpose.
    • 3. The committee shall develop a ministry profile detailing the position being filled and shall seek out and evaluate a candidate whose life and ministry correspond to the qualifications of Scripture, First Baptist Church of Avoca’s constitution and bylaws, and special requirements of the position. In that a healthy church should be able to raise up and equip leaders from within (2 Tim. 2:2), candidates for pastor should first be considered from within this church but may be considered from other churches if no qualified man is available. The committee shall seek unity, but at least three-fourths (75 %) agreement, in recommending a candidate for pastor to the church for affirmation.
    • 4. The church shall prayerfully seek God’s will regarding His appointment of new leadership (James 1:5). The church shall call pastors by at least a three-fourths (75%) majority of members present and voting at any regular or special business meeting. Public notice of the meeting and its purpose shall be given at least one week in advance. A vote to call a pastor is also a> vote to accept the pastor and his wife, if applicable, as members of the church.
  • D. Function
    • 1. Biblical instruction to pastors: As humble, gentle, and willing servants, pastors are to lead the church, provide oversight to its ministries, and be faithful examples to its members (1 Pet. 5:1-4). Accountable to Christ, they are to work hard, fully giving themselves to prayer, teaching the Word, imparting the gospel, watching out for the church, equipping believers for service, and building up the body of Christ (Acts 6:2-4; 1 Thess. 2:6-8; Eph. 4:11-12).
    • 2. The senior pastor shall:
      • a. Be a servant leader of Christ to the church through his ministry of prayer and the preaching and teaching of the Word (1 Tim. 5:17; 2 Tim. 4:2).
      • b. Provide pastoral care to the congregation and the community (John 21:15-17).
      • c. Administer and equip pastoral staff, church staff, and leadership within the church (2 Tim. 2:2).
      • d. Recognize his accountability to Christ, the Leadership Council, and the congregation.
    • 3. The associate pastors shall:
      • a. Be servant leaders of Christ fulfilling the ministry to which they have been called (2 Tim. 4:5).
      • b. Assist with pastoral care and the work of ministry as detailed in writing when called or when reassigned by the Leadership Council.
      • c. Recognize their accountability to Christ, the senior pastor, the Leadership Council, and the congregation.
  • E. Term of Office
    • 1. Pastors are not called to a predetermined term of service but are to fulfill the ministry to which they have been called (2 Tim. 4:5).
    • 2. End of service
      • a. A pastor may resign his office if he finds he is no longer able to discharge the duties of the office and shall provide, in as much as possible, at least thirty days notice of his resignation in writing to the Leadership Council prior to resignation in order to facilitate a smooth transition of leadership.
      • b. Should there be a grievance against a pastor for 1) departing from teaching sound doctrine expressed in Scripture and laid out in this church’s constitution or 2) failure to satisfactorily perform his duties as outlined in his written job description and these bylaws or 3) alleged misconduct that violates the Scriptural standards for elders, the following steps shall be taken (The instructions in Matthew 18:15-18, Galatians 6:1-4, and 1 Timothy 5:19-21 are to guide all parties, with grace and forgiveness extended in matters of personal preference or minor offenses.)
        • (1) Go privately to the offending pastor to resolve the issue; if it remains unresolved, take one or two witnesses to confirm the grievance and to seek restoration.
        • (2) An unresolved grievance may be taken to the Leadership Council by at least two witnesses to resolve the issue.
        • (3) The Council shall make a careful and thorough investigation to determine whether the grievance is true and substantial; the Council shall decide if discipline or dismissal is called for.
        • (4) Recommendations of the Council regarding discipline or dismissal presented to the church shall be decided by closed ballot vote at a special meeting of members only. Public notice of the meeting and its purpose shall be given to the church at least two Sundays prior.
        • (5) In the event of dismissal of a paid pastor, any severance pay shall be determined by the Leadership Council.
  • F. Ordination
    • 1. Explanation. God calls/sets apart spiritually mature men in the church, whom He has gifted and qualified, to serve as pastors. The church recognizes these men through praying and fasting, relying on the Holy Spirit, and examining their lives and doctrine according to the Scriptures. Those recognized by the church as appointed by God are invested with authority to lead the church. (Eph 4:11-12, Acts 13:2-3, 14:23, 1 Tim 2:12, 3:1-7, 5:22, Titus 1:5-9)
    • 2. Procedure. When the church believes God has called a man in this church to serve as a pastor, the Leadership Council shall call an Ordination Council to prayerfully and thoroughly examine the candidate’s life and doctrine (1 Tim 4:16). A candidate for ordination shall be examined for:
      • a. A desire to serve as a pastor motivated by a sincere love for Christ (1 Pt 5:2-3).
      • b. Character of a mature follower of Christ (1 Tim 3:2-6).
      • c. Faithfulness to the Word and in ministering it to others (1 Cor 4:2, Titus 1:9).
      • d. Spiritual gifts and leadership qualities necessary for pastoral ministry (Eph 4:11-13).
      • Those found to be biblically qualified shall be recommended to the Leadership Council to present to the church for affirmation of God’s calling to serve as an ordained pastor (Ac 13:2-3, 14:23).
    • 3. Revocation. If a credible accusation is made against a pastor ordained in this church for 1) departing from sound doctrine expressed in Scripture (2 Tim 1:13-14) and laid out in the church’s constitution or 2) immoral conduct that violates Scriptural standards for pastors, the Leadership Council shall provide for a careful and thorough examination of the pastor to determine if revocation of ordination is required. Recommendations of the Council shall be presented to the church and decided by closed ballot vote at a special meeting of members only. A pastor whose ordination has been revoked shall be granted an appeal before a panel that includes pastors from other churches of like faith (2 Peter 1:1) appointed by the Leadership Council, if requested within sixty (60) days after the decision has been made.

Article IV Deacons

  • A. Definition. Deacons are spiritually mature men, who are officers and servant leaders called by God and tested/affirmed by the church, whose lives and service exhibit genuine godliness, faithfulness, spiritual gifts vital to assist in leadership, and competent use of those gifts (1 Tim. 4:7-8; Rom. 12:3-8) to help the pastors lead the church especially by ministering to the c spiritual and the administrative needs of the church.
  • B. Qualifications. The high standard to which all Christians, including deacons, are accountable and the example they are to follow is Jesus Christ. In order to help lead the church effectively as servants of Christ, deacons must meet the qualifications given in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and illustrated in Acts 6:1-7. The qualities a candidate for deacon shall possess include:
    • 1. Calling. He desires to serve as a deacon of First Baptist Church of Avoca motivated by love for the Lord Jesus Christ.
    • 2. Character. His integrity as a mature follower of Christ is lived out in his priorities, conduct, attitude, relationships, and obedience to Scripture.
    • 3. Competence. His spiritual gifts, personal skills, and natural abilities have been tested and are well suited to help with the spiritual and the administrative needs of the church.
    • 4. Consistency. He has demonstrated faithfulness to God’s Word and to this church as an actively serving member. He has shown himself to be trustworthy and hardworking, representing Christ well in the church, in his home, and in the community.
  • C. Procurement. As God’s Spirit gifts and the church builds up spiritually mature men, the following process shall guide how the church recognizes and calls deacons:
    • 1. When there is a need to call a deacon to serve the church, the congregation shall be notified at least six (6) weeks before the Annual Members’ Meeting or special election and may nominate members who desire to serve and who meet the qualifications of Scripture and these bylaws (Acts 6:3). No person shall be considered a nominee for office without the nominee’s consent.
    • 2. The Leadership Council shall prayerfully consider and review the names submitted and may add names of members they believe to be qualified. The Council shall interview and examine nominees regarding their qualifications, gifts, and desire to serve.
    • 3. The Leadership Council shall present to the church at least one week in advance of the Annual Members’ Meeting or special election those candidates whom they believe to be qualified to serve as deacons. The church shall call deacons by at least a three-fourths (75%) majority of members present and voting.
    • 4. Vacancies due to resignation, removal, or death shall be filled according to the above process. The Leadership Council shall determine whether to fill the position immediately with a special election or at the Annual Members’ Meeting. Deacons thus elected shall serve for the balance of the unexpired term.
  • D. Function. In order to assist the pastors in their leadership and oversight of the church deacons shall:
    • 1. Model Christ-glorifying service in their own lives and help enable others to serve effectively in ministries that strengthen the evangelism, discipleship, and worship of the church.
    • 2. Serve on the Leadership Council. (For the duties of the Leadership Council, see Article V.)
    • 3. Be servant leaders of Christ praying for and helping oversee the ministries to which they are assigned by the Leadership Council.
    • 4. Give special attention to discipleship, spiritual counsel, and equipping younger believers and leaders.
    • 5. Discern the spiritual needs of the church and provide wise direction and sound administration.
    • 6. Recognize their accountability to Christ, the pastors, the Leadership Council, and the congregation.
  • E. Term of Office
    • 1. Deacons shall be called to a three year term of service. Prior to the Annual Members’ Meeting of the final year of their current term, they shall be considered for reaffirmation by the Leadership Council. Upon the recommendation of at least three-fourths (75 %) of the Council and by three-fourths (75 %) vote of the church at the Annual Members’ Meeting they shall be reaffirmed for an additional term of service. In a normal year, one-third (33%) of the deacons shall be elected.
    • 2. The title “Deacon Emeritus” may be given to a deacon who has completed a long period of service in a distinguished manner. He may act in an advisory capacity as requested and able. He shall not have a vote.
    • 3. End of Service
      • a. A deacon may resign if he is unable to discharge the duties of the office and shall provide, in as much as possible, at least thirty days notice of resignation in writing to the Leadership Council prior to resignation.
      • b. A deacon who chooses not to stand for reaffirmation (reelection) or who fails to be reaffirmed shall be removed from office at the end of his current term. End of service by this means shall not be considered disciplinary action.
      • c. Should there be a grievance against a deacon for 1) departing from sound doctrine expressed in Scripture and laid out in this church’s constitution or 2) failure to satisfactorily perform his duties as assigned by the Leadership Council and these bylaws or 3) alleged misconduct that violates the scriptural standards for deacons, the following steps shall be taken (The instructions in Matthew 18:15-18, Galatians 6:1-4, and 1 Timothy 5:19-21 are to guide all parties, with grace and forgiveness extended in matters of personal preference or minor offenses.)
        • (1) Go privately to the offending deacon to resolve the issue; if it remains unresolved, take one or two witnesses to confirm the grievance and to seek restoration.
        • (2) An unresolved grievance may be taken to the Leadership Council by at least two witnesses to resolve the issue.
        • (3) The Council shall make a careful and thorough investigation to determine whether the grievance is true and substantial. The Council shall decide if discipline or dismissal is called for.
        • (4) Recommendations of the Council regarding discipline or dismissal presented to the church shall be decided by closed ballot vote at a special meeting of members only. Public notice of the meeting and its purpose shall be given to the church at least two Sundays prior.

Article V Leadership Council

  • A. Organization. The pastors shall be assisted by the deacons in their leadership and oversight of the church by means of the Leadership Council. The Council shall be led by the senior pastor or one whom he designates but otherwise organize itself however it agrees to best achieve the mission of the church. All deacons shall serve on the council. Associate pastors shall serve on the council in an advisory role until they are called by the council and affirmed by the congregation to full participation. The size of the Council shall be determined by the needs of the ministry and by the call and the qualification of men in the church.
  • B. Function. The responsibilities of the Council shall include:
    • 1. Meet monthly or as often as needed to pray together, to seek God’s will for the church, and to make decisions and perform duties for the benefit and growth of the church.
    • 2. Examine prospective members and acquaint them with the doctrine and ministry of the church.
    • 3. Advance the teaching of the whole counsel of God both formally and informally.
    • 4. Conduct and provide for the corporate worship and the ordinances (baptism and communion) of the church.
    • 5. Promote the equipping of church members for effective ministry and spiritual leadership.
    • 6. Oversee, strengthen, and promote the ministries of the church; mobilize the church for world missions.
    • 7. Examine prospective candidates for office.
    • 8. Oversee and provide guidance to the trustees, deaconesses, officers, committees, staff, and ministry leaders of the church.
    • 9. Establish means of personal and ministry accountability for pastors and deacons including an annual written review.
    • 10. Correct error and oversee the process of church discipline.
    • 11. Schedule business meetings; designate a moderator and provide for the reporting of official church business.
    • 12. Provide oversight for the planning and wise stewardship of church finances.
    • 13. Oversee the receipt and disbursement of the Deacon’s Benevolence Fund and report to the church annually its total receipts and disbursements only and the nature of the ministry facilitated through it.
    • 14. Delegate duties and business of the church to qualified and capable committees and persons as necessary.

Article VI Trustees, Deaconesses, and Other Church Officers

  • A. Trustees
    • 1. Definition. Trustees are spiritually mature men or women who have been tested and are called to help as stewards of the temporal/financial resources and needs of the church.
    • 2. Qualifications. The high standard to which all Christians, including trustees, are accountable and the example they are to follow is Jesus Christ. In order to serve the church effectively, trustees must meet the character qualifications 1 Peter 4:7-11, 1 Cor. 4:1-2, and Rom. 12:1-21. The qualities a candidate for trustee shall possess include:
      • a. Calling. He/She desires to serve as a trustee of First Baptist Church of Avoca motivated by love for the Lord Jesus Christ.
      • b. Character. His/Her integrity as a mature/growing follower of Christ is lived out in his/her priorities, conduct, attitude, relationships, and obedience to Scripture.
      • c. Competence. His/Her spiritual gifts, personal skills, and natural abilities have been tested and are well suited to help with the spiritual and the temporal/financial needs of the church.
      • d. Consistency. He/She has demonstrated faithfulness to God’s Word and to this church as an actively serving member. He/she has shown himself/herself to be trustworthy and hardworking, representing Christ well in the church, in his/her home, and in the community.
    • 3. Function. In order to help support the ministry of the pastors and deacons and to help the church in fulfilling its mission, trustees’ responsibilities shall include:
      • a. Model Christ-glorifying service in their own lives and help enable others to serve effectively in ministries that strengthen the evangelism, discipleship, and worship of the church.
      • b. Manage church property to make best use of it in the ministry and mission of the church by providing for its protection, maintenance, and development. Develop policies toward this end.
      • c. Prepare, present, and manage an annual budget to assist the church in faithful stewardship of the finances God supplies. The budget may be prepared directly by the trustees or by a budget committee they appoint. The budget process includes:
        • (1) Seek direction from pastors and deacons and solicit budget proposals from all committees and ministry leaders with additional input from the Treasurer.
        • (2) Formulate an itemized budget proposal for the church.
        • (3) Submit the proposed budget to the Leadership Council for review at least one month before the Annual Members’ Meeting and rework the proposed budget if/as needed.
        • (4) Submit a proposed budget to the church at the Annual Members’ Meeting.
        • (5) The trustees shall monitor and manage expenditures under the budget throughout the year.
      • d. Establish and maintain sound financial policy and procedures that provide for transparent and efficient support of the church’s spiritual work. This financial stewardship shall include: overseeing collection and disbursement of monies, securing such sums as may be needed to meet authorized appropriations on credit, providing for a yearly financial records audit, and authority to approve expenditures of up to one (1) percent of the annual church budget unless broader discretion for special circumstances is approved by the congregation.
      • e. Serve as the legal representatives of the church, along with other congregationally designated persons, with authority to sign legal documents in the name of and for the church.
      • f. Communicate regularly with the Leadership Council regarding the vision, purpose, and needs of existing and potential ministry.
      • g. Recognize their accountability to Christ, the pastors, the Leadership Council, and the congregation.
    • 4. Organization. There shall be a minimum of three (3) trustees but shall otherwise be determined by the needs of the ministry. After the Annual Members’ Meeting the trustees shall elect a chairperson and a secretary for the year.
  • B. Deaconesses
    • 1. Definition. Deaconesses are spiritually mature women who have been tested and are called to help with the spiritual needs and the temporal needs of the church.
    • 2. Qualifications. The high standard to which all Christians, including deaconesses, are accountable and the example they are to follow is Jesus Christ. In order to help lead the church effectively as servants of Christ, deaconesses must meet the qualities expressed in 1 Timothy 3:11 and Titus 2:3-5 and illustrated in Romans 16:1-2. The qualities a candidate for deaconess shall possess include:
      • a. Calling. She desires to serve as a deaconess of First Baptist Church of Avoca motivated by love for the Lord Jesus Christ.
      • b. Character. Her integrity as a mature follower of Christ is lived out in her priorities, conduct, attitude, relationships, and obedience to Scripture.
      • c. Competence. Her spiritual gifts, personal skills, and natural abilities have been tested and are well suited to help with the spiritual needs and the temporal needs of the church.
      • d. Consistency. She has demonstrated faithfulness to God’s Word and to this church as an actively serving member. She has shown herself to be trustworthy and hardworking, representing Christ well in the church, in her home, and in the community.
    • 3. Function. In order to help support the ministry of the pastors, deacons, and trustees and to help the church in fulfilling its mission, deaconesses’ responsibilities shall include:
      • a. Model Christ-glorifying service in their own lives and help enable others to serve effectively in ministries that strengthen the evangelism, discipleship, and worship of the church.
      • b. Assist with congregational worship including sanctuary decor, nursery ministry, baptisms, communion, weddings, and other special services as needed.
      • c. Help evangelize and disciple women through Sunday school classes, small groups, and special retreats.
      • d. Encourage those in the church and community by visiting the sick, assisting with benevolence, organizing funeral dinners, promoting hospitality, and by overseeing the following types of ministries: bridal and baby showers, Martha Ministry, Flowers, Secret Pals, Encouragers, and Kitchen.
      • e. Recognize their accountability to Christ, the pastors, the Leadership Council, and the congregation.
    • 4. Organization. The number of deaconesses shall be determined by the needs of the ministry. After the Annual Members’ Meeting the deaconesses shall elect a chairwoman and a secretary for the year.
  • C. Church Clerk and Assistant
    • 1. A Clerk and an Assistant Clerk shall meet the qualifications for trustee and possess the administrative and organizational skills necessary for this office. The Assistant shall serve as needed and in the absence of the Clerk.
    • 2. It shall be the Clerk’s duty to:
      • a. Prepare minutes of proceedings of all special and regular members’ meetings of the church.
      • b. Maintain and annually report the membership list of the church, keeping accurate records of all the changes and the circumstances of those changes to the membership.
      • c. Issue church membership letters when authorized by the church.
      • d. Keep record of and annually report child dedications, baptisms, marriages, and deaths within the church.
      • e. Preserve and file members’ meeting minutes, annual reports, successive constitutions and bylaws, and other important documents and correspondence of the church. All records are property of the church.
      • f. Recognize accountability to Christ, the pastors, the Leadership Council, and the congregation.
  • D. Church Treasurer and Assistant
    • 1. A Treasurer and an Assistant Treasurer shall meet the qualifications for trustee and possess or be willing to obtain current training on church finance and accountability. The Assistant shall serve as needed and in the absence of the Treasurer.
    • 2. It shall be the Treasurer’s duty to:
      • a. Make disbursements and keep accurate records of all expenditures including those of the missionary account. All records are property of the church.
      • b. Present reports of expenditures to
        • (1) the trustees as needed,
        • (2) the missions committee as needed,
        • (3) and to the church monthly and annually.
      • c. Present a budget status report to the trustees at least quarterly.
      • d. Under direction of the trustees, hold memorials or specially designated funds separate from funds available for general use and provide reports of these funds to the trustees for their monthly meetings.
      • e. Submit government reports as required for wages, salaries, workers’ compensation, etc.
      • f. Assist with the preparation of the annual budget.
      • g. Recognize accountability to Christ, the pastors, the trustees, and the congregation.
  • E. Church Financial Secretary and Assistant
    • 1. A Financial Secretary and an Assistant Financial Secretary shall meet the qualifications for trustee and possess or be willing to obtain current training regarding sound accounting and cash management practices. The Assistant shall serve as needed and shall serve in the absence of the Financial Secretary.
    • 2. It shall be the Financial Secretary’s duty to:
      • a. Receive all monies coming into the church, having been verified by a second church member.
      • b. Keep records and deposit all monies, notifying the Treasurer as funds are made available. All records are property of the church.
      • c. Track individual member contributions and provide at least annual statements.
      • d. Maintain a careful confidentiality in all these matters.
      • e. Provide summary reports to the trustees as they may have need.
      • f. Submit an annual report to the church of overall church giving.
      • g. Recognize accountability to Christ, the pastors, the trustees, and the congregation.
  • F. Procurement of trustees, deaconesses, and other church officers. As God’s Spirit gifts and the church builds up spiritually mature men and women, the following process shall guide how the church recognizes and calls trustees, deaconesses and other church officers:
    • 1. When there is a need to call a trustee, deaconess, or other church officer to serve the church, the congregation shall be notified at least six (6) weeks before the Annual Members’ Meeting or special election and may nominate members who desire to serve and who meet the qualifications of scripture and these bylaws (Acts 6:3). No person shall be considered a nominee for office without the nominee’s consent.
    • 2. The Leadership Council shall prayerfully consider and review the names submitted and may add names of members they believe to be qualified. The Council shall interview and examine nominees regarding their qualifications, gifts, and desire to serve.
    • 3. The Leadership Council shall present to the church at least one week in advance of the Annual Members’ Meeting or special election those candidates whom they believe to be qualified to serve in the offices to which they have been nominated. The church shall call trustees, deaconesses, and other church officers by at least a majority vote of members present and voting.
    • 4. Vacancies of elected officers due to resignation, removal, or death shall be filled according to the above process. The Leadership Council shall determine whether to fill the position immediately with a special election or at the Annual Members’ Meeting. Officers thus elected shall serve for the balance of the unexpired term.
  • G. Terms of Office
    • 1. Trustees, deaconesses, and other church officers shall be called by the church for a normal term of three years. In a normal year, 1/3 of the trustees, deaconesses, and church officers with their assistants shall be elected.
    • 2. End of service
      • a. An elected officer may resign his/her office at any time if he/she is unable to discharge the duties of the office and shall provide, in as much as possible, at least thirty days notice of resignation in writing to the Leadership Council prior to resignation.
      • b. An elected officer who chooses not to stand for reaffirmation (reelection) or who fails to be reaffirmed shall be removed from office at the end of his/her current term. End of service by this means shall not be considered disciplinary action.
      • c. Where a grievance exists against an elected officer for 1) departing from sound doctrine expressed in Scripture and laid out in this church’s constitution or 2) persistent failure to perform his/her duties as outlined in these bylaws or 3) alleged misconduct that violates the Scriptural standards for Christian service, the process outlined in Article IV section E subsection 3 shall be used to resolve the grievance. The instructions in Matthew 18:15-18, Galatians 6:1-4, and 1 Timothy 5:19-21 are to guide all parties, with grace and forgiveness extended in matters of personal preference or minor offenses.

Article VII Appointed Committees

  • A. Worship Committee
    • 1. Purpose. Help build up the church in Spirit-filled, corporate worship by preparing and providing for singing together to God, hearing the Word, praying, giving, participating in the ordinances, and stirring up one another to love and good deeds to the glory of God. (Eph 5:18-19, Col 3:16, 1 Tim 4:13, Mt 6:9-13, Mt 28:19, 1 Cor 11:17-34, Heb 10:24-25)
    • 2. Appointment and Organization
      • a. The Worship Committee shall be led by a pastor, deacon, or church member appointed by the Leadership Council following the Annual Members Meeting but otherwise shall organize itself however it agrees to best achieve its purpose.
      • b. Additional committee members shall be approved by the Leadership Council.
      • c. Qualified committee members demonstrate active spiritual growth, serve faithfully as members of FBCA, and display a desire and ability to help equip the church in corporate worship.
      • d. The committee may include one teenager (below age of 18) who demonstrates active spiritual growth, serves faithfully at FBCA, and displays a desire and ability to help equip the church in corporate worship.
      • e. The term of office for all committee members is one (1) year beginning in January. Committee members who continue to meet the qualifications may be reappointed in successive years.
      • f. Decisions of the committee shall be made by majority vote if consensus cannot be reached.
    • 3. Function
      • a. Study and reflect on Scripture to help the church clearly know and authentically express true, Spirit-filled worship to God (Jn 4:24).
      • b. Coordinate with the pastor in planning and providing for Spirit-filled corporate worship that exalts Christ and honors God (Phil 2:9-11).
      • c. Help the church discover and integrate psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs that provide for the Word of Christ to settle deep into the hearts and minds of worshipers (Col 3:16).
      • d. Equip, schedule, and support worship/song leaders, accompanists, vocalists, and musicians who will help the church speak to one another and sing to God (Eph 5:19).
      • e. Schedule special music that helps engage the church in glorifying God (1 Cor 14:26, Ps 66:2).
      • f. Equip and schedule greeters and ushers to welcome and assist worshipers (1 Pt 4:9, Heb 13:2).
      • g. Develop media ministry leaders and volunteers who utilize technology to aid worshipers.
      • h. Prepare a budget, present it to the Trustees, and manage it throughout the year.
      • i. Evaluate worship services regarding faithfulness to the Word, active presence of the Spirit, exaltation of Christ, and joyful and reverent praise to God.
      • j. Recognize accountability to Christ, the Leadership Council, and the congregation.
  • B. Discipleship Committee
    • 1. Purpose. Help the church by supporting and coordinating its disciple making ministry to proclaim the gospel and teach others to obey Jesus’ commands that every person may be presented complete in Christ. (Mt 28:19-20; Col 1:28)
    • 2. Appointment and Organization
      • a. The Discipleship Committee shall be led by a pastor, deacon, or church member appointed by the Leadership Council following the Annual Members Meeting but otherwise shall organize itself however it agrees to best achieve its purpose.
      • b. Additional committee members shall be approved by the Leadership Council.
      • c. Qualified committee members demonstrate active spiritual growth and serve faithfully as members of FBCA in making disciples.
      • d. The committee may include one teenager (below age of 18) who demonstrates active spiritual growth and serves faithfully in making disciples at FBCA.
      • e. The term of office for all committee members is one (1) year beginning in January. Committee members who continue to meet the qualifications may be reappointed in successive years.
      • f. Decisions of the committee shall be made by majority vote if consensus cannot be reached.
    • 3. Function
      • a. Examine the scriptures regarding the message and means of making lifelong disciples who become conformed to the likeness of Jesus. (Acts 17:11, Rom 8:29)
      • b. Consider how to stir up the church and its discipleship ministries to proclaim and teach Christ until He is formed in every person. (Heb 10:24, Gal 4:19)
      • c. Coordinate church discipleship ministries including: children’s church, Sunday school, Awana, VBS, church library, youth ministry, small group ministry, senior’s ministry, sports ministries, and special evangelistic outreaches.
      • d. Facilitate communication between ministries and resolve conflicts as needed.
      • e. Evaluate discipleship ministries for biblical faithfulness and continuing fruitfulness.
      • f. Recommend to the Leadership Council for appointment and advise discipleship ministry leaders as needed.
      • g. Help identify faithful church members who desire and are able to teach and equip them to teach accurately the whole counsel of God. (Rom 12:7, 2 Tim 2:2, 15, Acts 20:27)
      • h. Establish and implement child protection safeguards that protect the physical and spiritual well being of children and ensure transparency and accountability among ministry workers (Mt 18:10, Heb 4:13).
      • i. Prepare a budget for the discipleship ministries, present it to the Trustees, and manage it throughout the year.
      • j. Recognize accountability to Christ, the Leadership Council, and the congregation.
  • C. Missions Committee
    • 1. Purpose. Help the church inspire, equip, send, and support missionaries who are witnesses of Christ, proclaim the gospel, and make disciples until there are churches among all peoples who glorify God, offering joyful praise to Him. (Heb 10:24, Eph 4:11-13, Ac 1:8, Mt 28:19-20, Ps 67)
    • 2. Appointment & Organization
      • a. The Missions Committee shall be led by a pastor, deacon or church member appointed by the Leadership Council following the Annual Members Meeting but otherwise shall organize itself however it agrees to best achieve its purpose.
      • b. Additional committee members shall be approved by the Leadership Council.
      • c. Qualified committee members demonstrate active spiritual growth, serve faithfully as members of FBCA, and desire to advance missions at FBCA.
      • d. The committee may include one teenager (below age of 18) who demonstrates active spiritual growth, serves faithfully at FBCA, and desires to advance missions.
      • e. The term of office for all committee members is one (1) year beginning in January. Committee members who continue to meet the qualifications may be reappointed in successive years.
      • f. Decisions of the committee shall be made by majority vote if consensus cannot be reached.
    • 3. Function
      • a. Elevate the church’s awareness of the biblical basis for missions.
      • b. Promote congregational participation in missions.
      • c. Assist members of the church in responding to God’s call to short or long term missions.
      • d. Recommend missionary candidates for the church to partner with and support.
      • e. Kindle prayer in the church for missionaries and the work of missions.
      • f. Connect the church in caring for missionary partners on the field and home ministry assignment.
      • g. Evaluate missionary partners’ faithfulness to scripture and gospel ministry and the effectiveness of the church’s missions partnerships in advancing the gospel to all nations.
      • h. Prepare a missions budget, present it to the Trustees, and manage missions income and expenses.
      • i. Develop policy and procedures that help the church discern and fulfill its part in God’s global gospel mission.
      • j. Recognize accountability to Christ, the Leadership Council, and the congregation.
    • 4. Selection and support of missionary partners
      • a. First Baptist Church of Avoca shall seek to partner with missionaries and missions organizations that hold to a sincere faith and sound doctrine and give first priority to proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. The “Articles of Faith” in the constitution express the church’s understanding of sound doctrine.
      • b. Missionary candidates shall be faithful and fruitful members of a local church, active in making disciples, and seek to proclaim Christ to unbelievers beyond the local reach of FBCA.

Article VIII Meetings

In that Christians are united in the Spirit through Christ to the Father, they share vital fellowship with God and with one another (2 Cor 13:14, 1 Jn 1:3) that is visibly expressed, in part, by the church meeting to worship God, to equip believers, to proclaim the gospel, to administer church resources, to extend hospitality to those in the church and the community, to celebrate with those entering into marriage, and to mourn with those who grieve a death.

  • A. Worship Meetings
    • 1. The church shall gather on Sunday mornings and evenings to worship God through reading and preaching the Word, singing, praying, giving, participating in the ordinances, and stirring up one another to love and good deeds to the glory of God.
    • 2. The church shall provide for regular observance of the Lord’s Supper (at least once every other month) and baptism of believers in Christ.
    • 3. The church shall provide for discipleship and fellowship for all ages through Sunday school.
    • 4. The church shall support gatherings for praise, prayer, and Bible study during the week.
  • B. Business Meetings
  • 1. The church shall gather for the Annual Members’ Meeting between November 1st and 14th.
    • a. An Annual Report for the church shall be published and made available to the congregation one Sunday before the Annual Members’ Meeting. This report shall include:
      • (1) reports from pastors, the Leadership Council, trustees, officers, committees, and other church ministry leaders
      • (2) a proposed budget for the new fiscal year, and 3) a list of candidates for offices.
    • b. The Annual Members’ Meeting shall:
      • (1) seek God’s direction for the church through reading Scripture and prayer
      • (2) approve a budget
      • (3) confirm by election those called to serve as officers of the church
      • (4) conduct other business as needed.
  • 2. The Annual Financial Business Meeting shall be on the fourth Sunday of January to approve financial reports for the previous fiscal year of the financial secretary and treasurer.
  • 3. Special business meetings may be called by the pastors or Leadership Council at any time by giving notice of such meeting on the Sunday at least one week prior to the meeting.
  • 4. Members are called and entrusted to seek the Lord’s direction in the major decisions presented to the church by the pastors or Leadership Council and to help the church recognize it by voting accordingly.
  • 5. A quorum of qualified voters for all business meetings shall be 25 percent of the membership who are at least 18 years of age and not under church discipline.
  • 6. Emergency business meetings by distance. If due to circumstances, such as, but not limited to, pandemic, fire, or flood, the Leadership Council deems it is better to meet other than physically gather together, then another option can be used. An alternative method, such as, but not limited to, video or teleconferencing, may be used to discuss and vote on the business of the church, provided that all of the individuals participating may hear each other and participate in all matters. Notice must be given to the membership at least 48 hours in advance and reasonable accommodation for the majority of members must be taken. This is to be recognized as an emergency method not a substitute for regular business meetings.
  • C. Fellowship Meals
    • 1. The church shall provide regular opportunities for sharing a meal together. In that food and drink are gifts given by God (Gen 1:29) that picture the spiritual life God gives through Jesus Christ (Jn 6:35, Lk 22:19-20) shared by all those who are united together in Christ (Acts 2:42), all meals shall be provided and enjoyed in a way that displays the gospel and glorifies God (1 Cor 10:31).
    • 2. Since these meals are a means of sharing fellowship within the church and extending hospitality to the community, the church shall not charge for meals nor use them to raise funds to maintain the work of the church. The church may receive a free-will offering to cover expenses.
  • D. Weddings
    • 1. The church shall encourage and support couples who desire to be married in accord with the scriptures and the input of wise, godly council.
    • 2. Since God alone has the ultimate authority to prescribe and describe the marital relationship (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:1-9; Mark 10:1-12), First Baptist Church of Avoca can only recognize marriages that meet the biblical definition: a covenant relationship and sacred union between one gender-normative man and one gender-normative woman. The pastors and deacons will only officiate weddings that meet this definition, and the facilities and property of First Baptist Church of Avoca will only host marriage ceremonies that meet this definition.
  • E. Funerals
  • 1. The church shall provide, in as much as it is able, funeral services for families who request a place to grieve the death of a family member. Funeral services will provide an opportunity to give thanks to God, remember the life He has given, comfort those who grieve, and reaffirm the hope of the gospel.
  • 2. Viewings and funeral services will be scheduled around the regular worship services and ministries of the church.
  • Article IX Amendments
    A. These By-Laws may be amended as often as appropriate at any regularly-called business or special meeting, by a two-thirds vote of qualified voters present, provided the proposed amendment has been made available and the congregation has been notified two (2) Sundays immediately preceding the date of meeting.
    B. These By-Laws shall be reviewed at least every 10 years and revised as necessary.

    Article X Superseding Previous Constitutions
    A. These By-Laws shall supersede any previous By-Laws of the First Baptist Church of Avoca, NY.