First Baptist Church of Avoca

Sundays @ 9 (live on Facebook) & 11:10
For more info/to register for AWANA click here

For more info click here.

Youth Group — 6pm-8:30pm
Meets every 1st-3rd & 5th Sunday
Games, Fellowship, Student led Worship, Lesson Time, & Snacks. A lot of fun, encouraging each other & growing in the Lord.
Events & Activities throughout the year.
Come join us!
Thursday nights 6:30-7:30 pm for ages 8 and up. Please register after reading the info here.
After School Care Info & Registration click here.

First Baptist Church of Avoca
1 Church Street
PO Box Q
Avoca, NY 14809

We are a church where people believe in Jesus for salvation, fellowship in His family, learn from His Word, grow as His disciples,serve in His church, and witness in His world for the glory of God!

Please join us on Sunday mornings at
9:00 (Contemporary Service)
or 11:10 AM (Traditional Service).
10:15 AM Sunday School for all ages.
Evening services at 6 PM.
Youth Group (7th-12th grade) at 6 PM.
MAPS Kids (4years-6th grade, during the school year) at 6 PM.

Feel free to reach us at 607-566-2077 or or on facebook !

You can navigate to our other information by clicking on the links on the menu at the top or side of this page.

The calendar and giving links have moved to the Resources page.

For a Copy of this week’s Bulletin Click Here Weekly Bulletin.